Sunday, April 7, 2013


Metamorphistopheles is a YouTube makeup artist. I recently came across him while browsing videos. The first video I saw by him was a gothic makeup.
Now, one of the things that really caught my eye as I was browsing his videos would be this: he can pluck his eyebrows…which as you will find out, I cannot do to save my life. However, I learned a lot that I’ve started using to help shaping my eyebrow. Then he proceeded to do the one thing I’ve been trying to get the guts to do forever, shave them off.
He does everything from very dramatic makeup:

to everyday makup:

And this brings me to my little rant, I am completely and totally convinced all good makeup artist are male and are not from America…because America pretty much sucks, welcome to the USA!
Anyway back on topic, I watch thousands of videos on makeup and such all the time, I have only found a few I think are worth talking about and this is one of those select artist.

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