Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The very beginning

This was my very first adventure with hair dye. I, as a thirteen-year-old, somehow managed to convince my parents that it was a good idea. Three days later I had blue hair. Attending a public school at the time, my new colorful hair was not accept in the best way. The first day I wore it was a "spirit day." The days where school spirit is encouraged and craziness is welcomed. It worked especially well considering my school's colors were blue and yellow. However, the next day when I returned to school with my hair still blue, I was not treated well.

I must also mention that shortly after I got my hair cut into the Mohawk
  style (of which I have no pictures) the school principal walked up to me and told me my hair was a weapon. No joke. He was serious.

That was my very first hair styling experience.

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