Sunday, April 14, 2013

Blue Envy SPLAT

Well, the VC shampoo worked well enough for me to do my hair finally. I AM A SMURF! My boss likes it. I think I might have scared my grandparents to death. My mom and boyfriend like it. Now, I am just waiting for school.
However, while I was out yesterday I did have a slightly odd experience. First off, while I was at the skate park with my little crew(my boyfriend, his brother and one to two of out friends) I had a bunch of stupid guys on bikes look at me and go “OHHHH MAAA GAAAWWDDD! ‘ER HAIR BLUE!” I may have then proceeded to flick them off as we drove off. It probably didn’t help that I really get pissed off by people who ride bikes in general.
When we pulled up to my boyfriends we noticed the neighbor girl who’s about twelve had a few friends over. They were all in odd prissy clothes and literally looked like they were going to clown school. They then decided I was a thug and kept screaming that at me and my friends. When I emerged from the tinted window car they all freaked out having a similar reaction to the bikers. I looked at them once and they all ran inside and tried to taunt me from the safety behind a locked door.
Anyway, I will leave you with this:

I don’t think I could live without hair, makeup and styling, let alone be the performer I am. I am a glamour girl through and through. I believe in the glamorous life and I live one.
-Lady Gaga

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