Wednesday, March 27, 2013

new addition to my look

My newest and most perminant feature in my looks, my new piercings. About a week ago I endured the process of having a needle shoved through my lip, not once, but twice. Now, before having this done I was told by many friends "naaaaawww it doesn't hurt that bad." I am convinced said friends have no feeling in their faces. While the first one was quite painful, I somehow forgot to breath while the man was doing the second one and almost passed out on the floor.

For the first three days or so I carried cup of ice around with me EVERYWHERE. I got some odd looks in school and especially at church. I also was told how disgraceful I am to my family(okay maybe not those EXACT words) and preached at about neededing a job and how all companies out in the world are concervative so they won't hire me.

Well, the swelling has gone down, the ice cup gets left in the cupboard and my pain only occures when I accidently bite the end of the piercing. I am finally happy to present my newest look: snake bites.

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