Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tish & Snooky's Manic Panic

This is my absolute favorite product for my hair. It was my first, my last and my only. I use nothing except for this to color my hair. I was introduced to this the first time I asked my friend to dye my hair. She told me to pick up something called Manic Panic. My life has never been the same. My mission began: try every color manic panic has to offer. My mission was almost complete when I got a job. Welcome to the real world, it sucks.

Anyway, back to the goddess-of-all-dyes. It is a semi-permanent hair dye and as far as neon colors go, it's the best. The only down side to this product is you have to bleach your hair before using it. Some tones you can get away with not bleaching before like black and red if you just want a tint. However, if you want the intense colors you HAVE to bleach your hair blonde.

I still have no problem with this dye. It is my absolute favorite and I would encourage anyone interested in bright hair to check it out.

I'll leave you with this, my life goal for my hair:

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